Annual Role Models in Economics Award

Dear EEA members,

We are very pleased to announce a new EEA Award: the annual Role Models in Economics Award. 

The Overarching Goal

A thriving academic community relies on three pillars: (i) true scholars, (ii) inspiring educators, and (iii) “good citizens.” 

The EEA has several prizes and awards to recognize the achievements and contributions of faculty members when it comes to excellence in research and education. 

With the establishment of the annual Role Models in Economics Award, the EEA intends to recognize the fundamental contributions of colleagues who, in addition to being wonderful scholars and inspiring educators, dedicate time and energies to institution building with long-term vision, establish innovative academic programs (undergraduate, master, PhD), lead departments and research centers which attract talents to Europe and foster the careers of junior faculty, set up innovative dissemination and outreach initiatives that can positively impact the lives of people well beyond academia, etc. 

The award is worth 10,000 euros. With the funds received, the recipient will be asked to contribute to innovative initiatives that foster the careers of PhD students and junior faculty in Europe. 

The Selection Process

Each year the EEA will offer one award by alternating the age groups: in odd years, eligible candidates will be economists older than 45, in even years, eligible candidates will be economists 45 or younger

Nominations for the award will be solicited from all EEA members. An EEA member can nominate another economist (not necessarily an EEA member) by explaining (one page max) the key contributions the colleague has made to the public good. Alternatively, he / she can nominate himself / herself explaining (max 1 page) to which concrete initiative(s) he / she would contribute to foster the careers of PhD students and junior faculty in Europe. 

Take-Home Message

With the establishment and funding of this new award, the EEA aims at sending a strong message all over Europe that being “true scholars, inspiring educators, and good citizens” in academia brings a lot of positive things to everyone. We look forward to your enthusiastic participation to the nomination process.

With our best wishes,

Council of the EEA