WinE News, Videos, Events & Links
If you have any news to disseminate about accolades for women in economics, please email
The annual Workshop for Women in Macroeconomics, Finance and Economic History (WIMFEH) is organized by the DIW Berlin. The aim is to bring together female academic researchers and practitioners to promote and exchange ideas in the field of Macroeconomics, Finance, and Economic History. The next workshop is on May 2 & 3rd. Full information here
If you are organising an event specifically for female economists, please write to to have your event included in this section.
CEPR “Women in Economics Initiative”
Canadian Women Economists Network
COSME (Spanish Economic Association)
CSWEP (American Economic Association)
Royal Economic Society Women's Committee
Women in Economics in Denmark
Women in Economics Initiative
Women in Economics Network (The Economic Society of Australia)
Video Library
Debate - Los efectos de la Covid-19 desde una perspectiva de género / Debate - The effects of the Covid-19 from a gender perspective. The video is in Spanish only. There are no subtitles.
Three years ago, economics weekly ESB published a special issue about the strong underrepresentation of women in economics . A follow up event organised by the Royal Dutch Economic Association on 5 February, 2021, was devoted to the questions: What progress has been made since then? And what can we learn from experiences abroad? As part of the session, WinE member, Guido Friebel talked about the real-time online tool to monitor the representation of women in economics across Europe, which was developed with the support of WinE / EEA. The recording of the event can be viewed here