Pre-production Papers
The following papers, listed alphabetically by the first author's last name, have been accepted for publication in JEEA, and can be downloaded in in the EEA membership log in area.
Complexity and Time
A large literature shows that people’s valuation of delayed financial rewards violates exponential discounting, exhibiting a hyperbolic pattern: high short-run impatience that strongly decreases in the length of the delay. We test the hypothesis that the hyperbolic pattern in measured discount rates reflects mistakes driven by the complexity of evaluating delayed payoffs.
Global Profit Shifting of Multinational Companies: Evidence from Country-by-Country Reporting Micro Data
We use micro data from country-by-country reports of more than 3 600 multinational companies to analyze global profit shifting to avoid taxes. Unlike other data sets, country-by-country reports provide detailed information about the global economic activities of multinational companies, including those in tax haven countries.
Mandated Sick Pay: Coverage, Utilization, and Crowding-In
Using the National Compensation Survey from 2009 to 2022 and difference-in-differences methods, we find that state-level sick pay mandates are effective in broadening access for U.S. workers. Increases in coverage reach 30ppt from a 63% baseline five years post-mandate. Mandates have more bite in jobs with low pre-mandate coverage.
Risk Gravity
We consider the canonical trade model with heterogeneous firms, love for variety and trade costs, and integrate it in the consumption CAPM model. This yields a structural gravity equation that includes an additional factor related to risk premia. Empirical evidence based on firm-level data confirms the importance of cross-sectional heterogeneity in risk and time-varying risk premia to shape bilateral trade flows.